Special floor system for the Special Air Mission Wing

Cologne - Germany

Established in 1957, the Special Air Mission Wing of the Federal Ministry of Defence (FMD) is stationed not just in Berlin but also at Cologne-Wahn airport. It boasts around 1,100 military personnel and 16 aircraft of various sizes, with which it carries out, for example, air transport duties, as well as providing a transit flight service for Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Resistant, non-slip, dirt-repellent
The heavy wear undergone by the floor in hangars 3 and 5 rendered extensive rehabilitation necessary. The client in the form of the FMD represented by the construction and property management unit Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW (Cologne branch), and the architects responsible for the planning work, Sommer & Bartz (Cologne), specified a high-resistance, non-slip industrial floor that was easy to clean, UV-resistant and high-quality in appearance. Right from the planning phase, MC was in contact with the client and architects, and submitted a proposal for the repair of the floors with an MC industrial floor system. In 2014, MC had been invited to prepare a test area by means of which the technical properties of the system could be appraised over a trial period. At the beginning of 2015, the surfaces in question were inspected and received a positive assessment, opening the way for the system to be specified for the refurbishment project. Installation of the floor in Hangar 3, for which the specialist application company Dr. Gustav Schädla GmbH & Co. KG of Hannover was commissioned, began in September 2015.

The new industrial coating system is highly resistant to wear, impact and scratching, is easy to clean and also looks pretty attractive.
The new industrial coating system is highly resistant to wear, impact and scratching, is easy to clean and also looks pretty attractive.
© MC-Bauchemie 2016

Impressive system results
The old surface of the hangar floor was milled off and the exposed concrete was then shot-blasted. A deep-action primer was applied, followed by priming with MC-DUR 1200 VK. This low-viscous epoxy resin has been especially developed for use in industrial environments. That coat- ing was followed by filler layers of epoxy resin and oven-dried quartz sand to ensure evenness and mechanical resistance. The top sealer chosen was MC-Floor TopSpeed, a high-performance roller-applied pigmented coating from MC which, in addition to fast placement, also offers extremely high abrasion resistance, excellent impact and scratch resistance and also, not least, a truly attractive appearance. It was also used for the marking and routing system. With the client and planning architects fully satisfied with this first part of the project and the committed support provided by MC during the work, the MC system was then also specified for repairing the floor of hangar 5, which rehabilitation project has been underway since May 2016.
Thus, MC products help ensure that even aircraft of the type Airbus A 340 with an empty weight of 180 metric tons will leave these industrial floors unharmed for many years to come.


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    Special floor system for the Special Air Mission Wing

  • Country

    Cologne - Germany, 2021

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