Concrete for Warsaw’s metro

Warsaw - Poland

August 2010 saw the start of building work on the over six kilometre long M2 metro line in Poland’s capital, Warsaw. It was finally opened in March 2015. It comprises seven stations and links the district of Wola on the left bank of the Vistula with the district of Praga Północ on the right bank. The subway station Dworzec Wileński was constructed with concrete formulated with MC plasticisers.
The ready-mixed concrete supplier JD-Beton was awarded the order by client AGP Metro Polska for the supply of the high-strength concrete to be used for the 400 metre long and 25 metre wide subway station con-struction built using the diaphragm wall system. The requirements placed on the ready-mixed concrete were strict: it had to exhibit a long open time and good application properties both in the hot summers and the cold winters.
Special superplasticisers

As a result, JD-Beton put its faith in various admixtures and superplasticisers from MC’s MC-TechniFlow, Muraplast and Centrament product families that have been especially developed to meet the requirements of the ready-mixed concrete industry. They are characterised by their robustness in application with other concrete raw materials and ensure intensive dispersion of the cement paste together with high concrete flowability. They thus produce a homogeneous concrete that is easy to install with long-lasting flowability. The concrete was used for all the components of the station, that is to say the diaphragm walls, foundations, ceilings and support columns. The hardening accelerator Centrament Rapid 610 was also employed in the project.

The subway station Dworzec Wileński was constructed with concrete formulated with MC plasticisers.
The subway station Dworzec Wileński was constructed with concrete formulated with MC plasticisers.
© MC-Bauchemie 2016
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    Concrete for Warsaw’s metro

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    Warsaw - Poland, 2021

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